The Relationship of the Transformational Leadership Style of The Head Nurse with The Quality of Excellent Service of Nurses At Inpatient Room


  • M Fahrin Azhari Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
  • Siti Fatimah Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin


Excellent Sevice Quality, Head Nurse, Tranformational Leadership


Treatment does not only restore the patient's physical health, but as much as possible strives to keep the patient's emotional and physical condition comfortable. Therefore, a simple service can be done for the patient, such as being polite, smiling and friendly to the patient. Responding to issues related to service excellence (service excellent), the role of a leader or head of the room is very important in improving the performance of nurses in providing excellent service (servive excellent). Transformational leadership style is a leadership style that is not only limited to working relationships, but is more directed at providing motivation, attention to individual needs, and others that lead to respect for employees as human beings who have human rights. This study aims to determine the relationship between the transformational leadership style of the head nurse with the excellent service quality of nurses at inpatient room of Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Hospital in Banjarmasin. This study used a quantitative research design with a cross sectional approach, with a total sampling technique of 41 nurses. The place of research is in the inpatient room of RSUD Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin. Data analysis used the Spearman Rank test and the instrument used was a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between the transformational leadership style of the head of the room and the service excellent quality of nurses as indicated by the value (p = 0.000 <0.05) and the correlation coefficient of 0.806.


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