The Relationship Of Weight Gains Between Two Times Of Dialysis With Quality Of Life Of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients
Chronic Kidney Failure, Dialytic, Weight, Quality of LifeAbstract
Kidney disease is one cause of death in Indonesia, where the number of patients continues to grow. One of the problems faced by patients with renal failure who undergo hemodialysis is an increase in the volume of fluid that is manifested by weight gain. Interdialytic weight gain will have a negative effect on the body affecting the quality of life.The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of Interdialytic weight gain with the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure in RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas. The method in the research is cross sectional. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique with inclusion criteria of 34 respondents. The data were collected using pre-dialysis and post dialysis weight measurement and using questionnaire and tested by Sperman Rank correlation at 95% significance level (0,05). The result of Sperman Rank correlation test p value 0,015 (p <0,05) showed that there was correlation of interdialytic weight gain with quality of life. This study can be used to improve health services in terms of fluid control so as to improve the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failureReferences
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