Journal of Nursing and Health Education 2024-04-30T14:41:40+00:00 Nor Isna Tauhidah Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Nursing and Health Education merupakan Jurnal keperawatan dan kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan artikel hasil penelitian di bidang keperawatan dan kesehatan serta mencakup semua aspek yang berkaitan dengan bidang tersebut.</p> Analysis Of Nursing Care For Children With Fever Seizures With Sleep Pattern Disorders Toddler Massage Intervention 2024-03-18T04:35:38+00:00 Nurhalimah Evy Noorhasanah Suci Fitri Rahayu <p>Febrile seizures can occur due to intracranial or extracranial processes. Several factors that influence sleep are illness, the environment, including unpleasant environmental stimuli, fatigue and stress. One disease that often occurs is febrile seizures. A febrile seizure is a seizure that occurs when body temperature rises (temperature reaches &gt;38oC). Toddlers with febrile seizures will often experience repeated seizures which result in the child being hospitalized frequently. When a toddler is admitted to hospital it can cause discomfort such as disrupting good sleep quality and sleep quantity. One effort to treat toddlers with sleep disorders is through toddler massage. Aims to provide an overview of parenting toddlers with sleep disorders. This research uses a case study method with a single case. The intervention carried out was toddler massage. Toddler massage is to relieve pain and other symptoms of illness, increase relaxation and calm crying babies so that toddlers can sleep more soundly and last longer. Case study conducted on An.M aged 1 year 2 months who had problems with sleep patterns. The results of applying massage for toddlers during 3 days of treatment increased sleep, therefore it is recommended that nurses at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital be able to apply or understand parents of children using toddler massage techniques.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing and Health Education Analysis Of Nursing Care For Patients With Hearing Hallucinations By Providing Mind Therapy Stop 2024-03-18T04:33:35+00:00 syaifullah Icha Lisnawati <p>Auditory hallucinations are a condition where the client hears clear or unclear voices, where the voices invite the client to speak or do something. Sensory perception disorders if not treated immediately will have the impact of experiencing panic and behavior controlled by hallucinations. One of the interventions that can be carried out for auditory hallucinations is thought stopping therapy. Thought stopping therapy was chosen as the superior intervention in this method because it is able to eliminate negative thoughts and change them into positive ones. Case study conducted on Mr. R with sensory perception disorders, auditory hallucinations. Mr.R had auditory hallucinations so thought stopping therapy was given for 3 days. Evaluation of 3 days of implementation, there was a decrease in the frequency of hallucinations before and after the action of giving thought stopping therapy on August 3 2023, namely still often hearing whispers, on August 4 2023 from often to rarely hearing whispers, on August 5 2023 from rarely to rarely. Based on this data, providing thought stopping therapy is effective in reducing the frequency of auditory hallucinations, so it is hoped that this method can be used by health workers</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing and Health Education Analysis of Surgery Medical Nursing Care on Pneumonia Patient with Implementation of Eucalyptus Oil Nebulizer Therapy 2024-03-18T04:40:26+00:00 Rania Magfira Anita Agustina Meti Agustini <p>Pneumonia is a medical condition that refers to lung inflammation and usually caused by infection. One of the problems that need to be considered in pneumonia patients is an ineffective airway clearence related to retained secretions because it could disrupt the respiratory system and causing death. Nursing intervension that has been given to patient was eucalyptus oil nebulizer therapy because eucalyptol (cineole) from eucalyptus plant has mucolytic (thining the sputum) and bronchodilating (widen the respiratory tract) effect so it could clearing the airway with inhalation technique. The case study has been done to Mr. N age 57 years old with coughing and difficulty to expelling the sputum, ronkhi sound, respiration rate 30 x/m and SPO2 94%. Evaluation on the 4th day showed an improvement in patient’s condition such as reduced coughing, sputum became expellable, client could breath easyly, no more ronkhi, respiration rate 20 x/m and SPO2 99%. Eucalyptus nebulizer therapy is effective to clearing the airway of pneumonia patients so this therapy expected to be carried out by other health workers.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing and Health Education Reduction of Lead Metal (Pb) Levels in Baung Fish (Mystus nemurus) with Tomato Filtrate (Solanum lycopersicum) 2023-12-04T17:28:56+00:00 Rusida Cida Rahmadani Rahmadani Kunti Nastiti <p>Baung fish is a fish that lives a lot in fresh water and has nutrients and protein. Baung fish are demersal fish that like to find food at the bottom of the waters which may be contaminated by heavy metals such as lead which settles on the bottom of the waters. Lead is a substance that can pollute waters and is found as a pollutant caused by coal barges. The aim of this research is to determine the reduction of lead (Pb) levels in Baung Fish using Tomato Filtrate.This research uses True Experimental with Post Test Only Control Group Design. Quantitative test method. The quantitative test method uses Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with a wavelength of 283 nm. Data analysis used ONE-WAY ANOVA and then analyzed statistically. In this study, the concentrations obtained reduced levels of lead (Pb) metal in baung fish, in this study the meat of baung fish showed contamination of lead (Pb) levels with the obtained data results obtained that the optimal time was 60 minutes because in fish 1.2 , and 3 obtained stable results in reducing lead metal (Pb) in baung fish, because the optimal time for reducing lead metal Pb levels was using tomato filtrate with 60 minutes with 75% concentration. Giving kaffir lime filtrate with a concentration of 75% with different time intervals (30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes) showed that there was no significant effect on reducing lead (Pb) levels using soaking time intervals</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing and Health Education The Effect OF Music Therapy On Anxiety Level Of Hemodyalisis Patients 2024-04-05T22:26:14+00:00 Ahmad Maulana Meti Agustini Mariani Mariani <p>Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients undergoing hemodialysis experience various kinds of problems, one of which is psychological problems. Hemodialysis patients often experience anxiety that is often ignored and left untreated. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of music therapy on the anxiety level of patients undergoing hemodialysis. This type of research is quantitative pre-experimental with a research design of one group pretest-posttest design with a sample of 30 hemodialysis patients. The results of research through the Wilcoxon test obtained a p-value of 0.000 where the p-value &lt; 0.05. This means that music therapy has an effect on reducing anxiety on hemodialysis patients</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Nursing and Health Education