, MHMasrina9911@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>TAWAZUNA adalah jurnal program studi Perbankan Syariah Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. Jurnal ini melingkupi bidang topik perbankan syariah secara umum. Jurnal perbankan syariah ini adalah jurnal enam bulanan (semester journal) yang terbit setiap bulan Desember dan Juni.</p> Effect of Guarantee Value and Business Profit on the Decision to Provide Musharakah Financing at Bank Kalsel Sharia Banjarmasin Branch2024-08-23T03:47:59+00:00Dewi Safitri<p>This study discusses the critical impact of the guarantee value and work benefits on the choice of granting musyarakah funds in Banjarmasin Syariah, Bank Kalsel Section. This exploration is a quantitative examination with a documentation data collection strategy and is handled again using the IBM SPSS 25 program, with various Direct Relapse test tools. This examination is directed at the Sharia Branch of Bank Kalsel Banjarmasin as an object of exploration.</p> <p>The consequence of this study shows that the value of Sig. Variable Assurance Worth (X1) is 0.131 > 0.05 and the tcount is 4.799 <12.706. Sig. Variable Work Benefit Benefits (X2) of 0.320 > 0.05 and a tcount of 1.822 <12.706. The consequences of the review show that at the same time the guarantee reward factor and work wages greatly influence the choice to provide musyarakah support at Bank Kalsel Banjarmasin Syariah Branch. This can be proven by the value of Fcount 35.166 > Ftable 0.053.</p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tawazuna BANKING STRATEGY IN SUBTAINABLE DEVELOPMEN2024-08-23T03:51:29+00:00Riska<p><em>In the presentation, this research is intended to analyze the role and influence of banking in sustainable development in Indonesia. Sharia banking is a financial institution that applies Islamic principles in which the implementation of shari'ah banking prohibits riba and applies profit sharing (ratio), and there is also an agreement between the two parties, namely the company and the customer. The research used is qualitative discriminatory research, Which in this study uses in the form of data collection obtained through literature such as journals, scientific articles, and also online books</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tawazuna WAQF LINKED SUKUK IPERSPECTIVE OF FIQH MUAMALAT2024-08-23T03:54:15+00:00Nova novita<p>Walqf plalys two importalnt roles in Islalmic history, especiallly in maltters of finalnce alnd friendship. ALn aldvalncement in walqf crealtion is Calsh Walqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) which is al reconcilialtion between walqf reserves contributed through Stalte Shalrial Protection (SBSN) or Sukuk. This study alims to exalmine the role of CWLS in the economy alnd society from aln Islalmic monetalry perspective. This exalminaltion is al type of libralry resealrch (writing study) with al subjective methodology. The DSN-MUI faltwal regalrding Sukuk Walqf is used to determine the implementaltion of CWLS malnalgement which is completed balsed on aln Islalmic monetalry perspective in alccordalnce with shalrial stalndalrds. The study shows thalt the implementaltion of CWLS hals allso met fundalmentall support points alnd thalt walqf reserves alre malnalged for hallall alnd shalrial-complialnt alctivities. CWLS hals the potentiall for monetalry alnd sociall improvements in the public sphere als it plalns to alchieve benefits alnd government alssistalnce in the locall alreal als al wholel</p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tawazuna DIGITAL FINANCIAL INNOVATION AND SHARIA BANKING FINANCIAL INCLUSION2024-08-23T03:49:41+00:00Pahriati<p>Digital financial innovation refers to used benefit of information technology, like internet and mobile applications, provided financial services those are more efficient, accessible and affordable, and also financial inclusion means providing access all levels of society, including those in remote or less developed area to have opportunity to use various services and financial products. This article uses qualitative research with datas collection techniques like searching in journals, articles and book that discuss digital financial innovation and islamic banking financial inclusion. After collecting the data sources, the writer will analyze and draw conclusions is a result. Purposed of this research is to know how digital financial innovation is developing and how sharia banking financial inclusion is, as well as obstacles and solutions in implementing digital finance</p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tawazuna Crime “Phishing” In Islamic Law2024-08-23T03:52:50+00:00Putri Avini Azzahra<p><em>In the are of increasing globalizing and also with increasing technological development, phising is happening all around us. In cyberspace, there are a lot of fraunds that occur both knowningly and unknowingly. And what islam think about this phishing.This journal reviews phishing frpm an islamic perspective, how Islam deals with it and it is hoped that by writing this journal, it will be able to find out whT Islam viewa about cyber crime phishing and this writing aims fo find out what cyber crime phishing is, as well as islamic opinions about cyber crime, with this writing, it hoped that readers willl understand and be able to avoid cyber crime phishing. This writing usesliterature tudy method where empirical data is sought from journals</em></p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tawazuna IMPLEMENTATION OF GREEN SUKUK IS BASED ON THE DSN-MUI FATWA NO: 137/DSN-MUI/IX/20202024-08-23T03:55:23+00:00Azizah<p>The important role of sukuk as a source of funding to support national development and a Sharia-based investment instrument in Indonesia has been widely researched and published in various scientific articles. Research on sukuk in Indonesia also continues to increase, from 2010 to 2021there were 47 articles. Increased research on sukuk provides in-depth analytical knowledge aboutthe importance and benefits of Sukuk investment both individually and nationally. In order to develop sharia capital market industries and products in Indonesia, including sukuk-based products, large amounts of funding are needed to participate in investment activities for economicneeds in Indonesia. This article uses qualitative research with data collection techniques such assearching for journals, articles and books that discuss Green Sukuk. After collecting data sources,the author will analyze and draw conclusions as a result of the research. The aim of this researchis to find out how to implement green sukuk based on DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 32IDSN- MUIIIX/2002 concerning Sharia Bonds (also known as Sukuk). This research also finds out aboutthe considerations that DSN-MUI considers it necessary to establish a fatwa on Sukuk to serve as a guideline.</p>2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Tawazuna