The Implementation of Blended Learning on Mathematics Learning
Blended Learning, Mathematics LearningAbstract
The growth of information and communication technology is very fast, so the education sector had always to improve the quality. An alternative way to improve quality of education is by taking advantage of information and communication technology by combining face-to-face learning with online learning that known as blended learning The purpose of this study was to describe the blended learning on learning process, analyze student learning outcomes, and analyze student responses after the application of blended learning in mathematics learning. This study uses a descriptive method with the object of which is the responses and learning outcomes of students after participating in mathematics learning with the application of blended learning and the subject is 34 students of class X MIA 3 as many as 34 people. The data collection technique used an observation sheet instrument, learning outcomes test questions, and student response questionnaires. The results showed that: (1) the learning process got an average percentage of implementation was 95.32% which was included in the very good category. (2) the average student learning outcomes are 74.26 including the good category. (3) student responses with an average value of 72.79% are included in the agree category.
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