The Development of Think Pair Share (TPS) Learning Model to Improve Students' Mathematical Communication Skills and Self-Confidence
Self Confidence, Mathematical Communication, Think Pair ShareAbstract
There are 5 ability standards measured in mathematics, one of which is mathematical communication skills. Self Confidence is related to mathematical communication skills. A person who has good self-confidence will make himself feel confident in his abilities. So it will encourage students to be brave in conveying their ideas, either in writing or orally. This development research uses the Borg and Gall method. The development in this research aims to ensure that the product being developed meets the criteria of being valid, practical and effective. Random sampling technique was used to select class VIII B as the experimental class and class VIII A as the control class. Questionnaires, interviews and tests are the tools used to collect data. The data obtained was then analyzed using the two averages test, t-test, n-gain test and Man Withney test (u test). Based on the results of the research analysis carried out, developing the think pair share learning model can improve students' mathematical communication skills and self-confidence. The effectiveness of developing learning models is in the category of being quite effective in improving mathematical communication skills and effective in increasing students' self-confidence.
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