hambatan mobilitas fisik, kelemahan otot, stroke non hemoragik, range of motionAbstract
The most nursing problem for stroke patients is impaired physical mobility. Effective preventive intervention to prevent weakness and a decrease of patient's muscle strength scale is Range of Motion (ROM) exercises. The aim of this case study was to describe the intervention of passive ROM exercises to increase muscle strength in Non-Haemorrhagic Stroke (NHS) patients. The method used was descriptive analysis with a case study approach. The case study subject was NHS patients on the Alexandria ward of Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin. The patient had weakness in the left extremity. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of anamnesis, physical examination and document study observation. The instruments used were the passive ROM standard operating procedure sheet and the muscle strength scale observation sheet. The results of the case study showed that prior to the passive ROM action, the muscle strength scale data on the left extremities was 2, feeling weak, numb, and cramping. After four days of passive ROM exercise, the left extremities muscle strength scale increased to 4. Passive ROM exercises that were performed routinely twice a day for 15 minutes were applied to reduce muscle weakness in NHS patients
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