
  • Tika Sari Dewy Tika STIKES Darul Azhar Batulicin


Keyword : schizophrenia, self efficacy, psychoeducation


Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder characterized by frequent relapses over a long period of time. Schizophrenic mental disorders are more chronic disorders. Self liberation acy is a conviction and a demonstration of trust on the basis of his ability, able to exercise control within their own boundaries. How to improve self referencing on a schizophrenic client by providing psychoeducation therapy. Psychoeducation is a health education given to clients who are not only physically impaired but also can be given to clients who are psychologically impaired. Psychoeducation that has positive effects on the rise of self literacy in a schizophrenic client. The purpose of this study is to know the impact psychoeducation has had on the rise of a schizophrenic client. Design used is a quantitative approach to experimentation. With a design of one group pre-test post-test design. The sample in this study is 10 respondents using the simple random sampling method. Result has found that before being given a psychoeducation of as large as the respondents, it is as high as 10 (100%) and that psychoeducation has been given to a schizophrenic client of 7 respondents (70%). Based on the results of psycho-inspired influence on the growing self contrition acy hada p-value value. The research has been influenced by a psychoeducation in the rise of self literacy in a schizophrenia clien. Suggestions in the study to be more extra in in selecting corporative critism an input so that the next research’s abztrac is even better


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