Management Of Umbilical Cord Bleeding In Neonates
Umbilical cord, bleeding, neonatesAbstract
Umbilical cord bleeding is the presence of fluid (blood) that comes out around the baby's umbilical cord and if not treated immediately can be fatal to cause death. Neonatal mortality is a measure of the success of health services for children. The aim of the study was to analyze midwifery care for the management of umbilical cord bleeding in neonates. In this study, researchers used a qualitative method with a case study approach. The subjects studied were 2 infants aged 4 and 5 days who had umbilical cord bleeding. Collecting data using interviews, physical examination, observation and documentation. The results of the examination showed that participants 1 and 2 had umbilical cord bleeding with a wound width of no more than a coin. To prevent potential problems for both participants, midwifery care was carried out according to the problem in the form of keeping the body and equipment clean, washing hands, and not giving anything around the base of the umbilical cord. The results showed that the cause of umbilical cord bleeding was due to incorrect umbilical cord care, namely the use of inappropriate diapers, causing the umbilical cord to be pulled and causing bleeding. After the implementation was given to both participants, the problem was resolved on the second day. One of the needs of newborns is proper umbilical cord care education.
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