Analysis of Nursing Care in Patients at Risk of Violent Behavior Application of Zikir Therapy Intervention
Mental disorder is a condition that is currently often found in Indonesian society. One of the most common mental disorders in society is schizophrenia. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia that often appears is violent behavior. The impact caused by patients who experience violent behavior is losing control over themselves, where patients will be controlled by their anger so that patients can injure themselves, others and the environment. The risk of violent behavior is a symptom of schizophrenic patients that can be controlled through psychoreligious therapy. One form of psychoreligious therapy is zikir therapy.Objective: Analyzing nursing care for patients at risk of violent behavior with the application of dhikr therapy in the psychiatric care room at H Hasan Basry Kandangan Hospital. This study uses a case study method with a single case. The results of the application of zikir therapy to patients with the Risk of Violent Behavior with the evaluation results of the violent behavior RUFA score decreased from a score of 13 to a score of 4 in 3 days of intervention. With ease of implementation and enormous benefits, it will be very effective to apply. The application of therapy zikir is an effective method for controlling violent behavior, but it is necessary to provide education to patients during the preparation stage and the patient's condition is stable or in a state that can listen to instructions from nurses so that the implementation process is maximized
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