Analysis Of Nursing Care In Sensory Perception Disorders Hearing Hallucinations With The Implementation Of Family Psychoeducation
Schizophrenia is a maladaptive response to the environment as evidenced by thoughts, feelings and behavior that are not in accordance with local norms and interfere with a person's social, work and physical functioning (Dermawan & Rusdi, 2013). 70% of schizophrenia patients experience hallucinations. Hallucinations are changes in sensory perception, feeling false sensations in the form of sound, sight, taste, touch or smell. Factors causing recurrence of hallucinatory clients who return home include failure to take medication and the family's inability to care for the client. One of the nursing actions that can be implemented is the implementation of family psychoeducation. Family psychoeducation is one element of a family mental health care program by providing information and education through therapeutic communication. The aim to explain the analysis of the application of psychoeducation to reduce relapse in schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations. The research method is a case study of hallucination patients at Balangan Regional Hospital. The intervention carried out was in the form of 4 Family SP sessions where the results were that the family was able to carry out family implementation SP strategies and was able to reduce the relapse rate in clients as shown by the family being able to explain strategies for implementing hallucinations. And this is proven by the patient's understanding of strategies for implementing hallucinations when hearing voices.
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