Reduction of Lead Metal (Pb) Levels in Baung Fish (Mystus nemurus) with Tomato Filtrate (Solanum lycopersicum)
Baung fish is a fish that lives a lot in fresh water and has nutrients and protein. Baung fish are demersal fish that like to find food at the bottom of the waters which may be contaminated by heavy metals such as lead which settles on the bottom of the waters. Lead is a substance that can pollute waters and is found as a pollutant caused by coal barges. The aim of this research is to determine the reduction of lead (Pb) levels in Baung Fish using Tomato Filtrate.This research uses True Experimental with Post Test Only Control Group Design. Quantitative test method. The quantitative test method uses Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry with a wavelength of 283 nm. Data analysis used ONE-WAY ANOVA and then analyzed statistically. In this study, the concentrations obtained reduced levels of lead (Pb) metal in baung fish, in this study the meat of baung fish showed contamination of lead (Pb) levels with the obtained data results obtained that the optimal time was 60 minutes because in fish 1.2 , and 3 obtained stable results in reducing lead metal (Pb) in baung fish, because the optimal time for reducing lead metal Pb levels was using tomato filtrate with 60 minutes with 75% concentration. Giving kaffir lime filtrate with a concentration of 75% with different time intervals (30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes) showed that there was no significant effect on reducing lead (Pb) levels using soaking time intervals
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