Analysis Of Nursing Care For Children With Fever Seizures With Sleep Pattern Disorders Toddler Massage Intervention
Febrile seizures, Sleep pattern disorders, Toddler massageAbstract
Febrile seizures can occur due to intracranial or extracranial processes. Several factors that influence sleep are illness, the environment, including unpleasant environmental stimuli, fatigue and stress. One disease that often occurs is febrile seizures. A febrile seizure is a seizure that occurs when body temperature rises (temperature reaches >38oC). Toddlers with febrile seizures will often experience repeated seizures which result in the child being hospitalized frequently. When a toddler is admitted to hospital it can cause discomfort such as disrupting good sleep quality and sleep quantity. One effort to treat toddlers with sleep disorders is through toddler massage. Aims to provide an overview of parenting toddlers with sleep disorders. This research uses a case study method with a single case. The intervention carried out was toddler massage. Toddler massage is to relieve pain and other symptoms of illness, increase relaxation and calm crying babies so that toddlers can sleep more soundly and last longer. Case study conducted on An.M aged 1 year 2 months who had problems with sleep patterns. The results of applying massage for toddlers during 3 days of treatment increased sleep, therefore it is recommended that nurses at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital be able to apply or understand parents of children using toddler massage techniques.
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