Analysis Of Nursing Care For Patients With Hearing Hallucinations By Providing Mind Therapy Stop
Auditory hallucinations are a condition where the client hears clear or unclear voices, where the voices invite the client to speak or do something. Sensory perception disorders if not treated immediately will have the impact of experiencing panic and behavior controlled by hallucinations. One of the interventions that can be carried out for auditory hallucinations is thought stopping therapy. Thought stopping therapy was chosen as the superior intervention in this method because it is able to eliminate negative thoughts and change them into positive ones. Case study conducted on Mr. R with sensory perception disorders, auditory hallucinations. Mr.R had auditory hallucinations so thought stopping therapy was given for 3 days. Evaluation of 3 days of implementation, there was a decrease in the frequency of hallucinations before and after the action of giving thought stopping therapy on August 3 2023, namely still often hearing whispers, on August 4 2023 from often to rarely hearing whispers, on August 5 2023 from rarely to rarely. Based on this data, providing thought stopping therapy is effective in reducing the frequency of auditory hallucinations, so it is hoped that this method can be used by health workers
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