The Effect of Preceptorship Training in the Orientation Program on the Adaptability and Job Satisfaction of New Nurses at RSUD X
Preceptor, preceptorship, New nurse satisfactionAbstract
Preceptorship is an activity to guide and encourage new nurses to go through the transition period to develop their abilities and improve the nursing skills needed to be able to practice effectively. The benefits of preceptorship for managers can improve capabilities and increase satisfaction for new nurses.
This study aims to determine the Effect of Preceptorship Training in Orientation Programs on Adapting Ability and New Nurse Job Satisfaction at Hospital X. This study used the Quasy pretest and posttest design witout control group. The study sample was 21 preceptors and 23 new nurses at Hospital X. The implementation of the preceptorship program affected the adaptability and satisfaction of new nurses at Hospital X. The results of statistical tests show that there are changes in adaptation ability and new job satisfaction of nurses before and after the preceptors apply preceptors in Hospital X (p value 0,000. Hospitals need to improve the ability of preseptors and evaluate the implementation of preceptors and analyze the results to determine developments in the program process