The Relationship Between Self Esteem and Impulsive Buying of Fashion Product Through Online Shopping Among Early Adult Women
early adult women, impulsive buying, online shopping, self esteemAbstract
Online shopping is an activity that is often found today. This makes it easier for people to shop because it can be done at home. The ease of shopping online makes people often do it without considering the uses or benefits of the products purchased; this can refer to impulsive buying. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-esteem and impulsive buying of fashion products through online shopping among early adult women in Banjarnegara. The method used in this study is quantitative with a correlational design. Participants in this study were 121 early adult women in Banjarnegara who shopped online and made random purchases. The technique used is incidental sampling. The research measurement used the self-esteem scale and the impulse buying scale, and questionnaires were distributed online. Data analysis was performed using parametric statistical analysis, namely Pearson correlation analysis. The results showed that there was no relationship between self-esteem and impulsive buying of fashion products through online shopping among early adult women, with a value of r = -0,12 (p = 0,09). This means that self-esteem is not a major factor for early adult women in Banjarnegara in making impulsive purchases.
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