Author Guidelines

Lecturers, writers, and researchers who wish to submit their research articles for publication in this journal are required to adhere to the guidelines set by the editorial team. These guidelines ensure that the articles can proceed through the review stage and be published in the latest edition. The general submission provisions for this journal are as follows:

  1. Create an author account on this journal's website. This account can also be used to access additional reader functions.

  2. The submitted articles must not have been previously published in any other publication media.

  3. If requested or necessary, please attach a Certificate of Ethics from the relevant institutional ethics commission.

  4. The article files should be submitted in Microsoft Word, RTF document, or OpenOffice formats.

  5. If you have a personal website, please provide the complete URL, including "http://" prefix.

  6. The manuscript can be written in either Indonesian or English. Detailed guidelines regarding the format and requirements for submitting articles to this journal can be downloaded from Author Guidelines or Article Template.

By adhering to these provisions and following the author guidelines, authors can ensure that their research articles are properly reviewed and considered for publication in the upcoming editions of this journal.